Letters to the Editor Thank You I thought that taking this time out of my hectic life to thank you would be very much appropriate. About two months ago I came to your website an was inspired by you. I wanted to be a hacker. I was such a classic newbie. I wanted to know everything. I emailed you to ask about the dumbest questions. You replied...you told me to look at the HackAddict pages. I downloaded them all and have read them thoroughly. When I came to your page about a week ago I was practically heart broken to find out you were leaving the hacking world. I couldn't believe it. these were the greatest reading materials I've ever had. But I had to understand that at one time in everyone's life they will have to change in one way or another. I secretly hope that maybe you will decide not to leave the Hackintosh world. Like what you did in the past. I know that one person's words will not change your mind. And even though I wish you would stick around, I thought that I would write to tell you that I hope someday, you will feel the appreciation that we all have for you. So thank you sir, for leaving this kind of an impact on all of us. Sylicek This letter was so good I decided it would be the only one...Thank you all!